Virtual Live Training for Groups

Get your Team up to speed with Microsoft Applications

Do you have a team who needs to get up to speed on any of the following?

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Excel

OneDrive and SharePoint

Collaboration with Microsfot 365

The Process

Get in touch to discuss what is needed.

We will find out where your Team are now, where they need to be and we will work out a plan to get them there.

Once we have established what is needed, Shelley will put a proposal together.

We discuss agree and schedule dates

Shelley sends you Booking Terms and the Invoice

You accept the Booking Terms

Pay for the training ( all sessions are paid up front)

Result - Happy Learners and increased productivity!

Pricing is based on the number of learners per session

Groups of up to 10 Learners


Between 10 and 20 Learners 


More than 20 learners? 

From £1,500

Depending on the learning outcomes needed, and the complexity of the session, design time may also be charged for.