Microsoft Excel - How to use Analyse Data

Analysing data is something that you may be asked to do in your work. Excel can help make this easy. Here is how

Excel is a powerful tool for analysing data and finding insights. Analyse Data, allows you to ask natural language questions about your data and get answers in the form of charts, tables, or formulas.

To use Analyse data in Excel, you need to have a workbook with at least one table. You also need to have an Office 365 subscription and be signed into your account.

To start using Analyse Data, follow these steps:

  1. Select any cell in your table.
  2. On the Home tab, click Analyse data in the Analysis group.

3. A pane will open on the right side of your workbook with a search box where you can type your question.

    4. Type a question about your data using natural language, such as "What is the average sales by region”.

    5. You can also use filters and operators to refine your question, such as "Show me sales by product category for last quarter only" or "Summarise revenue by month and year."

    6. Press Enter to submit your question.

    7. Excel will analyse your data and try to find the best answer for your question. It will display the answer in the pane as a chart, table, or formula that you can insert into your workbook.

    8. To insert the answer into your workbook, click Insert chart or Insert table at the bottom of the pane.

    9. To ask another question, type your question into the question box at the top of the pane.

      Analyse data in Excel can help you explore your data quickly and easily without writing complex formulas or creating charts manually. You can also learn more about your data by asking follow-up questions or changing some words in your original question.

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      Categories: : Blog, Microsoft Excel